E-Shoot Systems
Is a new company from Fort Worth, Texas specializing in electronic parachute release systems. Our first product is for the racing industry. We have a utility we have a patented system for any electric device releasing any kind of parachute. The whole idea came from Adrian Herrera and his brother Marcos Herrera who loves to race. Racing is expensive and can be dangerous, but there were only CO2 systems available, which are not legal in some NHRA races. CO2 systems are unreliable, and since the racing world keeps getting faster and faster and all electric, why not have an electric parachute release system. Adrian and Marcos wanted to create a quicker device that can be used without taking your hands off of the steering wheel and legal going thru tech on NHRA racing. Our engineers Jeff Rogala and his team at Solenoid Systems perfected the system. We are happy to say that our system is made in the USA and approved by the NHRA and IHRA.